The cluster of video and written essays dedicated to the life and work of this great Chinese cineaste WU TIANMING (1939-2014) is a direct consequence of the great opening up of Chinese cinema to Western audiences that we are witnessing. Wu Tianming was not only a cruical figure of China’s Fourth generation of fim directors, but also the person who enabled — in his capacity of director of the Xi’an film studios — the most important directors of the Fifth generation, such as Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhiangzhuang and Chen Kaige, make their entry into cinema. We commemorated his work at the IGCCC workshop on 9 April 2018, when we screened his film OLD WELL (1987). Subsequently, many of the contributions from the workshop were published online in a dossier dedicated to the director.
The dossier can be found in FRAMES CINEMA JOURNAL, ISSUE 14 (December 2018). Here is a link to the introductory video essay by Peize Li, which presents the complexity of Wu’s career.
The WU TIANMING DOSSIER also includes
Dina Iordanova, Introduction
Chris Berry, Video Essay: Remembering Wu Tianming
Xie Fei, Video Essay: Tribute to Wu Tianming
Wu Guanping, Video Essay: The Legacy of Wu Tianming
Himin Deng, River Without Buoys: The Construction of Post Revolutionary State Ideology
September Liu, In Memorial of Wu Tianming: An Anecdote and Some Notes