In this workshop on THE PRACTICE OF FILM CRITICISM we will combine viewing of a film an a discussion with renowned French film critic and essayist Jean-Michel Frodon.
Participants will be invited to see, in advance, a 52 min long film, ALLER-RETOUR (2018), in which Jean-Michel Frodon discusses the practice of film criticism with French director Benoit Jacquot (in French with English subtitles). We will make available the link on the weekend preceding the event, so that participants can view in your own time.
Then, on 29 April 2020, Wednesday, we will convene for a 75 min-long online meeting and discussion with Frodon. The event will be moderated by Dina Iordanova and the access information will be sent to you in advance. The discussion will take place at 1 pm GMT (Please take note of your own time zones respectively: 8 am Chicago, 9 am NYC, 2 pm London, 3 pm Paris, Shanghai 9 pm, Tokyo 10 pm).
This is a free event requiring registration and is limited to 50 participants for the live part (the link to the film will be made available to all interested parties). Faculty and students of the University of St Andrews will have priority, and the rest will be registered on a first come-first serve basis. To register, please send a note with your name and affiliation to Julia Lennon at [email protected]